Photo by Madison Inouye: https://www.pexels.com/photo/self-care-isn-t-selfish-signage-2821823/
One of the attributes which is used to describe me, and that I get to hear regularly, is, that I am critical. Sometimes this comes in the form of an accolades that I have good discernment or that I am brave enough to publicly speak out things which many dare not to. And sometimes in form of constructive feedback that I should focus more on the positive side of a certain task or project.
However I always try to not be a hypocrite. I regularly question myself if I am the one to blame. If I could have done better, missed a crucial piece of information or if my words contradict my actions. And if they do: Do I have a just reason for this? A cause that explains it in a comprehensible way?
Additionally I try to keep my emotions out. Yes, I do not succeed in this 100% of the time. After all I'm not a machine. Still manage in succeeding often enough to not look like a raging barbarian. Failing to think over the issue in a neutral way often leads to missing key points. And makes it hard to see it through the eyes of the other involved parties/stakeholders. This in turn causes inaccurate statements or incoherent lines of reasoning. Nothing of this helps to convince other people or to get to the root of the problem.
Therefore it shouldn't surprise anyone that I don't like hypocrisy. Especially so when it touches a topic I have first hand personal experience with and is important to me.
Mental Health Day
October the 10th is the international day of awareness for all topic related to Mental Health. Be it a proper Work-Life-Balance, the poor care for people suffering from diseases such as depression (and many others) or the sadly still existing prejudices against people who have suffered from - or still do - Mental Health issues.
A complicated & delicate topic
Mental Health issues are a tricky thing. In nearly all cases I got to know in detail the ones suffering from it are not the ones responsible, nor to blame. Some people crumble under all the injustice in this world. Shattering while trying to just make things right but were doomed from the start as a single person can't beat the company, yet alone the system.
Others experienced such malevolent acts, even without getting hurt physically, that it left them in ruins. Just think about the child which constantly experienced injustices from it parents. Never getting to know what the word family should mean.
Yet these very same people have to accumulate an immense amount of strength and pick up the fight for their own sanity. Just to live a happy life.
And then there are outsiders who make fun of them for that. Who belittle them. Who question their ability to ever regain their mental health. That they can ever be a productive person again.
These are the people I strongly recommend a therapy - or at least speaking with, for example, an recovered alcoholic or a rape survivor. As the immense lack of sympathy and humility they show is shocking. They can't even imagine what these people have been through and how much work therapy is. Yet, again, some people make fun of therapy as they think of it as "It's just singing in a circle and clapping with your hands." No, it's not.
A special place in hell
And then.. There are certain companies I know of. Posting on Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram and all those other social-media and business platform how "Mental Health aware" they are. How much they care to enable their employees to live a good work-life balance. Etc. And so on. Yada Yada.
All this while they engage in union-busting with the help of a specialised law-firm. And have absolutely no issues in threatening, admonishing or taking people to court over nonsense. Sometimes even utilizing their knowledge of the mental health issues of certain employees to even quicken the process of making them resign (or leaving with a severance package and a signed NDA). Effectively using it as a weapon against them. Just to reach their goal of preventing a union.
And the only thing these people did was trying to organize a union to get their rights and better their situation.
Yeah, I seriously hope those people get a special place in hell.