I made an Oopsie or: How to request a new Telegram BotToken

Author Christian Reading time 2 minutes

Photo by Antoni Shkraba: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-green-hoodie-and-black-sunglasses-sitting-on-orange-chair-5475784/

While writing my script that notifies me when comments are pending approval (read: Development of a custom Telegram notification mechanism for new Isso blog comments), I made a mistake and committed the script to my public GitHub repository along with the BotToken.

Even though it was only up for about 20 minutes before I realised what I had done I considered it compromised. Therefore I needed a new BotToken for the Telegram HTTP API.

Luckily this is very easy, as Telegram keeps track of which account was used to create a BotAccount, I was able to do this in 2 minutes via Telegram Web (including googling the commands).

All I had to do was to ensure I message BotFather from the account I created the bot.:

  1. Search for @BotFather on Telegram
  2. Message @BotFather with the command: /revoke
  3. Provide @BotFather with the username of the bot: @SomeExampleBotBla
  4. @BotFather will reply with the new token
  5. Update your scripts and restart services such as Icinga2
  6. Test/verify that the new token is being used everywhere.


Cleaning Git

As you may know even deleted files along with their content stay in Git and are easily searchable. GitHub has a good article about the topic discussing some tools who make it easier to remove such files: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/removing-sensitive-data-from-a-repository

I utilized git-filter-repo (Documentation: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo/blob/docs/html/git-filter-repo.html).

However keep in mind that git-filter-repo removes your configured remotes (git-filter-repo Documentation). You have to set them again if you plan on keep using the same repository.

And yes, while the BotToken is gone from the history of the script https://github.com/ChrLau/scripts/commits/master/check-isso-comments.sh you can still view it if you know the original commit ID.

Apparently deleting stuff from a Git repository completely is pretty hard.. Lesson learned..