Choose your passphrases carefully!

Author Christian Reading time ~1 minute

Photo by Keira Burton:

I am walking down a street behind a building and notice a person leaving said building. Suddenly an alarm sounds.

Person: "Ah man! Damn it!"
Person picks up their phone and makes a call
Person: "Yes hi, this is first name last name from company X. I'm calling because I triggered a false alarm."
*Short pause*
Person: "Gross income."
*Short pause*
Person (visibly relieved): "Alright, thank you! Bye"

Your task: Identify the passphrase that will allow you to flag the security alarms as false-positive.

Please! Take the place, time and situation in which a passphrase is used into account! Especially when you must account for passers-by!

Thanks and make sure to visit my TED-Talk. 😉