Looking at the Kobayashi Maru simulation from a completely different perspective
Memory Alpha Wiki https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Kobayashi_Maru
This is one of those texts that left me with an open mouth.
I know Star Trek. I know about the fictional Kobayashi Maru simulation used in Starfleet to put cadets in an 100% guaranteed "No-win" scenario. Put never ever have I thought about the whole simulation, it's tasks, it's challenges and outcomes from this perspective. Never ever have I realised how contradicting the simulation can be to the core values of the Federation.
Hence I really urge you to read "The thing about the Kobayashi Maru" written by Greg Pogorzelski. Really puts up a new perspective on everything.
And if medium.com should ever vanish and take this glorious text with it, here is a link to an archived version: https://archive.is/Cg3pd