GoAccess "Token 'host.somedomain.tld' doesn't match specifier '%h'"
Photo by Kevin Ku: https://www.pexels.com/photo/data-codes-through-eyeglasses-577585/
Just a short post if someone else stumbles about this.
I use GoAccess to view my Apache logfiles on the command line. Now I got an error which I never encountered before.
Token 'host.somedomain.tld' doesn't match specifier '%h'
Strange. I use the standard CustomLog format line from Apache. Also known as " NCSA Combined Log Format". Which is what I choose in GoAccess to open the logfile.
Long story short: If you run an older version there is a bug in GoAccess. If the first line in the logfile doesn't start with an IPv4 or IPv6 you will get the error above.
I got the error with version 1.4, updated to 1.7 and the error was gone. Most likely just a bad regular expression.