Every recommendation algorithm, ever

Author Christian Reading time ~1 minute

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-computer-monitor-5380589/

Algorithm: Yo, look here! On the start page! A recommendation for a movie/video/song/article from a genre you've never watched/listened to/read! But it's one of our own productions!

Algorithm: Or content you've already consumed 4 weeks ago. You surely like to re-consume it again while that memory is still fresh, right?

Algorithm: On the other hand we have content you rated with a "Like" years ago. - But we completely ignore your recent interests and likes when proposing those.

Me: Uh, where is the notice about this new piece of content, which was released today, from the series I'm watching since months and always consume each new part directly on the day of its release? Do I really have to use the search?

Algorithm: Uh.. Can I interest you in some World War documentation?

*sigh* Every. Single. Time.

Folks! Don't declare your algorithm helps users finding new interesting content, when all it does is advertising.